Beech Baron B58, the multi engine simulator
The Beech Baron B58 is an allround TWIN. It has the cockpit instruments, the performance and the flightmodel that is similar to other multi-engine ariplanes.
This simulator is very much suited for training of the skills needed for the ME-IR exams (Multi-Engine-Instrument-Rating).
The cockpit is equipped with a complete set of instruments (IFR). It is usable for every training scenario. General information about the Beech B58.
Het Pilot Operating Handbook B58 is downloadable via our documentlibrary as a reference.
TWIN simulator components:
The TWIN simulator has a cockpit layout dat meets the sizes of the real plane. Alle of the instrument are real scale also (1:1). The image is projected onto a very large projectionscreen with a filed of vision of 220° and corrected perpective. Therefore the flightsensations are genuine and very much felt during flight.
The visual is optimalized and calibrated to make approaches and landings 100% accurate, as if you where in the real plane. This is esspecially true when you fly in mountainous terrain.
The cockpit can be occupied by two pilots. Behind the pilots there is room for another 2 observers who can witness the flight. The realistic sound system enhances the flightexperience even further.
The following instruments are available:
- VOR 1 and 2;
- DME 1 and 2;
- ADF;
- Dual Engine Throttle quadrant with prop and mixture controls;
- Overhead panel;
- Dual COM (COM1, COM2);
- Audiopanel for beacon identing
Possibilities for training
The Beech Baron is a real challenge. The speeds are higer than the SEP airplanes like the Cessna 172. If you have flown the Beech Baron then you know what a suprise it is when one of the engines quits while taking off. This is one of the most dangerous moments, but you can try it out safely with an instructor sitting next to you. You are going to be a better pilot every time you fly this airplane. If you do this for fun, you will like it, besides that it keeps everything interesting.
For Aircadets learning and staying current is crucial and an legal obligation. Your ME-IR rating is something very valuable if you want to become a professional pilot. Keep on training and studying to maintain your level of proficiency.
Excercises with the Beech Baron B58:
- Interceptions- and holdings;
- QDM/QDR procedures;
- ‘Raw data’ ILS;
- N-1 procedures;
- Aborted take-offs and go-arounds, basic failure management (MCC);
- Start-up (cold&dark), taxiprocedures;
- Briefings, drills;
- Engine failures
- Night operations.
Instructor station
- Accurate selectable cloudbase, visibility and windvector;
- NAV-database with tens of thousands airports, including NAVAIDS;
- Failuremodes selectable;
- time datalogging and printouts after flight (optional);
- Night operations;
- Radarscreen for ATC and vectoring;
- Instant repositioning;
- Flight performance monitoring.